Tag: trust

I have a pet named ‘Peavey’

Okay, so maybe not a real pet, but I’ve noticed that my pet- we’ll call him Peavey” likes to wag his butt every now and then. I’m realizing that I am super particular about some things. I find it very difficult to use something, and not put it back as soon as I’m finished with…
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So Random

“Some people call it ‘chance’.” One of my supervising brokers stated to me when I told him of the multiple conversations I was having with people regarding real estate, before I’ve gone through any training. From meeting a couple who are moving over from Spokane, to an owner of a restaurant listening in on the…
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The Art of the Move (pics of our house too)

After this coming weekend, Sheena and I will have moved 4 times since last March. I think we are close to some kind of record! Last year we sold our Spokane condo in 9 days, and since then have moved as opportunities have presented themselves. This morning we signed the closing documents on our new…
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It’s a God thing!!…or is it?

Last night, while working through an assessment and exam on Microsoft Access (Not a hard program, but it’s main flaw it that it’s designed by MS) I needed something to keep my mind working. Often times when using PC programs I tend to get frustrated with it not responding the way a mac would, and…
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We suffer way too much from sh*t that never happens!

I follow a select number of people through the phenomenon known as Twitter. Ranging from Pastors, Missional Teachers, Friends, Commentators, and one actor. That one actor I started to follow after watching an interview with Conan, and I’m not 100% sure why! It may have been because he is okay with being who he is.…
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