Tag: Random

I have a pet named ‘Peavey’

Okay, so maybe not a real pet, but I’ve noticed that my pet- we’ll call him Peavey” likes to wag his butt every now and then. I’m realizing that I am super particular about some things. I find it very difficult to use something, and not put it back as soon as I’m finished with…
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So Random

“Some people call it ‘chance’.” One of my supervising brokers stated to me when I told him of the multiple conversations I was having with people regarding real estate, before I’ve gone through any training. From meeting a couple who are moving over from Spokane, to an owner of a restaurant listening in on the…
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The Art of the Move (pics of our house too)

After this coming weekend, Sheena and I will have moved 4 times since last March. I think we are close to some kind of record! Last year we sold our Spokane condo in 9 days, and since then have moved as opportunities have presented themselves. This morning we signed the closing documents on our new…
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A great week always includes sushi, bacon, bbq and friends!

I love those weeks that are just refreshing. This was almost one of those weeks! Here are a few things that have been happening in my life. Yesterday morning, while looking at our finances we started talking about Rosalia, the girl we sponsor in Guatemala. We had written her a letter a few weeks back…
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If it’s on the internet…it’s true!

Not long ago I decided to start blogging about things that interested me. Topics that I felt dealt with questions swirling around in my mind, interesting reads I’ve had, and theological ponderings to which Christian church leaders are constantly working through. I’ve never been one to be really fond of writing, but have found that…
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