I can see it now! Imagining that the New Testament had not been about the son of God becoming personified, but instead Jesus displaying himself in the 21st century for the first time. Sitting here at Starbucks, I daydream about this moment and I envision what it would possibly look like. Would I possibly see…
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“Some people call it ‘chance’.” One of my supervising brokers stated to me when I told him of the multiple conversations I was having with people regarding real estate, before I’ve gone through any training. From meeting a couple who are moving over from Spokane, to an owner of a restaurant listening in on the…
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Rob Bell put this out for Easter, I posted it on my facebook profile but thought I would add it to my blog for future reference. Creative communicator.
Last night, while working through an assessment and exam on Microsoft Access (Not a hard program, but it’s main flaw it that it’s designed by MS) I needed something to keep my mind working. Often times when using PC programs I tend to get frustrated with it not responding the way a mac would, and…
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“We Christians are constantly stretching to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the gospel. This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the individual, or to sink the individual in the plan or organization. God’s plan, however, is to make…
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The other day, Sheena and I went downtown Seattle to view an exhibit called ‘Bodies‘. A strange and informative exhibit where you view real bodies that have been preserved, giving a glimpse into what our bodies look like under the skin. As a nurse, she loved it! She could barely contain her excitement as she…
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I follow a select number of people through the phenomenon known as Twitter. Ranging from Pastors, Missional Teachers, Friends, Commentators, and one actor. That one actor I started to follow after watching an interview with Conan, and I’m not 100% sure why! It may have been because he is okay with being who he is.…
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