I love America and I love being an American. But, I am a Christian.

“I love America and I love being an American. The energy of Americans, the ability to hew out lives often in unforgiving land, the natural generosity of Americans, I cherish. But I am a Christian. I cannot avoid the reality that American Christianity has been less than it should have been just to the extent that the church has failed to make clear that America’s god is not the God we worship as Christians. If I am right that we are now facing the end of Protestantism, hopefully that will leave the church in America in a position with nothing to lose. When you have nothing to lose all you have left is the truth. So I am hopeful that God may yet make the Church faithful even in America.”  *Excerpt from Stanley Hauerwas’ Essay on America’s God


Stanley Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke Divinity School, delivered this lecture at Church of the Incarnation, Dallas, Texas, on March 7 as part of a weekend of events cosponsored by the congregation and The Living Church.

Thought provoking essay. I am not posting this to say I believe 100% with the author, but rather to engage in the thought. Long read, big words, not recommended for everyone! -Jason

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One Response

  1. Hauerwas is most definitely a cranky, surly, foul mouthed gift among us!

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