Today I found myself doing something that I do quite often…sitting at Starbucks. With my heavenly brew in hand, my macbook sending “Playing For Change” through my earbuds, and my current reading of Forgotten Ways nearby. Normally I am so engrossed with homework, or reading, or let’s be honest, facebook, that I seldom notice anything going on around me. For all I know, the place could be completely full, or deathly empty, or full of leprechauns running around.
Today, I was also people watching. I watched as a sales guy across the room attempted to entice a woman to be apart of his viral marketing campaign – a pyramid way of making money. I watched as an older couple sat down to reflect on the day, after struggling to order in starbucksy language. I watched as another college student read a textbook that looked a little too unrelated to their life. But what really caught my eye, was the couple sitting next to me.
They sat down, and she opened one of the most innovative creations of the past few years. She opened up her kindle. It was such a romantic idea, a journey of love that this couple was about to partake of. As the gentleman took a sip of his coffee, his wife began to read aloud. Quietly, as not to disturb those around them, but loud enough to engage his interest. Together, they were going to connect relationally through the shared reading of a story. A story of adventure, of love, of risks, of failures. Whatever the story, they took it together.
And then it began.
The blackberry.
As the wife read away, her husband held the blackberry at arms length, perusing the internet, checking mail, texting his buddy about the day, etc…. we’ve all done it. He would pause occassionally, long enough to catch his wife’s eye, as if to say “I’m here honey, I’m on this journey with you, keep reading.”
It wasn’t the worse thing I’ve seen in marriage. Come on, at least he takes his wife out for coffee. But it got me thinking. How often do I have good intentions of courting my wife, showing her how much she means to me, but I get sidetracked… distracted by things that scream for my attention. Not sinful things. Not even bad things. But when I’m honest with myself, I realize that there are more moments that I would care to admit, when I have been present physically- yet far mentally.
It was a good reminder that I should love my wife, with the utmost care and attention. Just as I feel like Christ loves me. Fully. Attentive. Love. A re-commitment to paying full attention in the little moments.
I love you babe!
One Response
Thanks for opening my eyes. I know I am guilty of the “starbuck” sin. The busy-ness of life makes me take for granted what I love and cherish the most.