I love those weeks that are just refreshing. This was almost one of those weeks! Here are a few things that have been happening in my life. Yesterday morning, while looking at our finances we started talking about Rosalia, the girl we sponsor in Guatemala. We had written her a letter a few weeks back…
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Today I had the privilege, nay, the honor of having coffee with one of my close friends- Micah Cruger. It was a fabulous ‘heaven meets earth’ moment as the barista handed me my free Pike Place Drip (second for the day) in honor of my Revolution Mug. And then I found out they were giving…
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Not long ago I decided to start blogging about things that interested me. Topics that I felt dealt with questions swirling around in my mind, interesting reads I’ve had, and theological ponderings to which Christian church leaders are constantly working through. I’ve never been one to be really fond of writing, but have found that…
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The other day, Sheena and I went downtown Seattle to view an exhibit called ‘Bodies‘. A strange and informative exhibit where you view real bodies that have been preserved, giving a glimpse into what our bodies look like under the skin. As a nurse, she loved it! She could barely contain her excitement as she…
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For some Christians, the only reason they know their neighbor is in hopes to invite them to church. Is that really what Jesus meant by..”Love your neighbor as yourself?”
I follow a select number of people through the phenomenon known as Twitter. Ranging from Pastors, Missional Teachers, Friends, Commentators, and one actor. That one actor I started to follow after watching an interview with Conan, and I’m not 100% sure why! It may have been because he is okay with being who he is.…
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I was listening to the radio today and heard an ultra liberal individual making the case that every person is entitled to health care. That it is somehow our right. That because life was chosen for us, we now are entitled to any medical procedure available to continue living, regardless of our lifestyle choices. I…
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Why is it that business’ will advertise 24×7 support, yet when you call them, they don’t answer. You open a live chat, nobody enters. You submit a support ticket, no response. As consumers we have grown so accustomed to receiving an answer as soon as we have a question, that business’ have realized that to…
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Today I found myself doing something that I do quite often…sitting at Starbucks. With my heavenly brew in hand, my macbook sending “Playing For Change” through my earbuds, and my current reading of Forgotten Ways nearby. Normally I am so engrossed with homework, or reading, or let’s be honest, facebook, that I seldom notice anything…
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