Author: jasonthomas

We suffer way too much from sh*t that never happens!

I follow a select number of people through the phenomenon known as Twitter. Ranging from Pastors, Missional Teachers, Friends, Commentators, and one actor. That one actor I started to follow after watching an interview with Conan, and I’m not 100% sure why! It may have been because he is okay with being who he is.…
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Life after Life after Death

NT Wright explains his view on the New Testament’s description of what happens after our physical death. Directly objects to a “Left Behind” doctrine, and proposes that perhaps our final destination isn’t Heaven at all, it’s a renewed planet. That we may go to Heaven after we die, but only for a holding period until…
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I was listening to the radio today and heard an ultra liberal individual making the case that every person is entitled to health care. That it is somehow our right. That because life was chosen for us, we now are entitled to any medical procedure available to continue living, regardless of our lifestyle choices. I…
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Why is it that business’ will advertise 24×7 support, yet when you call them, they don’t answer. You open a live chat, nobody enters. You submit a support ticket, no response. As consumers we have grown so accustomed to receiving an answer as soon as we have a question, that business’ have realized that to…
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Today I found myself doing something that I do quite often…sitting at Starbucks. With my heavenly brew in hand, my macbook sending “Playing For Change” through my earbuds, and my current reading of Forgotten Ways nearby. Normally I am so engrossed with homework, or reading, or let’s be honest, facebook, that I seldom notice anything…
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