After this coming weekend, Sheena and I will have moved 4 times since last March. I think we are close to some kind of record! Last year we sold our Spokane condo in 9 days, and since then have moved as opportunities have presented themselves. This morning we signed the closing documents on our new…
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Rob Bell put this out for Easter, I posted it on my facebook profile but thought I would add it to my blog for future reference. Creative communicator.
Last night, while working through an assessment and exam on Microsoft Access (Not a hard program, but it’s main flaw it that it’s designed by MS) I needed something to keep my mind working. Often times when using PC programs I tend to get frustrated with it not responding the way a mac would, and…
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I love those weeks that are just refreshing. This was almost one of those weeks! Here are a few things that have been happening in my life. Yesterday morning, while looking at our finances we started talking about Rosalia, the girl we sponsor in Guatemala. We had written her a letter a few weeks back…
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Today I had the privilege, nay, the honor of having coffee with one of my close friends- Micah Cruger. It was a fabulous ‘heaven meets earth’ moment as the barista handed me my free Pike Place Drip (second for the day) in honor of my Revolution Mug. And then I found out they were giving…
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“I love America and I love being an American. The energy of Americans, the ability to hew out lives often in unforgiving land, the natural generosity of Americans, I cherish. But I am a Christian. I cannot avoid the reality that American Christianity has been less than it should have been just to the extent…
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Not long ago I decided to start blogging about things that interested me. Topics that I felt dealt with questions swirling around in my mind, interesting reads I’ve had, and theological ponderings to which Christian church leaders are constantly working through. I’ve never been one to be really fond of writing, but have found that…
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“We Christians are constantly stretching to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the gospel. This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the individual, or to sink the individual in the plan or organization. God’s plan, however, is to make…
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The other day, Sheena and I went downtown Seattle to view an exhibit called ‘Bodies‘. A strange and informative exhibit where you view real bodies that have been preserved, giving a glimpse into what our bodies look like under the skin. As a nurse, she loved it! She could barely contain her excitement as she…
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For some Christians, the only reason they know their neighbor is in hopes to invite them to church. Is that really what Jesus meant by..”Love your neighbor as yourself?”