Why is it that business’ will advertise 24×7 support, yet when you call them, they don’t answer. You open a live chat, nobody enters. You submit a support ticket, no response. As consumers we have grown so accustomed to receiving an answer as soon as we have a question, that business’ have realized that to sell certain products, they must advertise 24×7 immediate support. It may or not actually happen, and they may or may not actually have the resources to pull it off. But it is their attempt at gaining enough business that those of us who have issues may be in the minority.
Doesn’t say much for the integrity of the business.
Sometimes it feels like God is the same way. I call him up, don’t hear anything. I send him a note, and what he writes back I don’t understand. I try to do a live chat, but honestly I can’t tell if I’m just talking to a wall. I’m so accustomed to my modern day infatuation with convenience and immediacy that I tend to get upset with God over it.
Psalm 27:14 – wait for the Lord. x2. Seriously? Two times in one sentence I am reminded to wait for the Lord. I read that the Lord is not slow as some think, but that everything is done in his timing.
During this season of Lent, I choose to wait. Wait for what God wants to do in and through me. That doesn’t mean I don’t live, but I will focus on waiting and being content. How much more rewarding is life when worry doesn’t overwhelm it! Even so…come quickly Lord Jesus!